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We acknowledge our presence on the traditional land of the Anishinaabe and Dakota People.
Better Way Foundation welcomes one of its newest partners, Little Earth Residents Association. Located in Minnepolis, Little Earth is a 212-unit Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidized housing complex. It is home to roughly 1,000 residents, 50% of whom are under the age of 21. Founded in 1973, it remains the only Indigenous preference project-based Section 8 rental assistance community in the United States.
Little Earth Resident’s Association (LERA) is the only on-site social services provider located within the Little Earth community. The Youth Development Center serves children ages 5-8 years old in after school support, literacy, STEM programming, and other social-emotional learning programs.
Baby’s Space, an on-site childcare center for infants and toddlers, was founded in 2000 to create a cycle of success and prosperity for children and families dealing with the traumatic impacts of poverty, racism, and systemic exclusion. Their two key goals are to graduate young children who are healthy, compassionate, and developmentally-prepared for K-12 school success; and to support children, parents, and staff in being engaged and empowered contributors to a thriving neighborhood and broader community.
In an effort to strengthen the partnership between the two organizations, LERA plans to implement trauma-informed services, ensuring that as children transition out of Baby’s Space, they receive continued support from LERA’s after school programming. A consistent approach will help children build strong and lasting bonds with care providers, allowing them to grow and mature with the aid and support they require.
Better Way Foundation is excited to join this initiative, supporting trauma-informed professional development for the staff at Little Earth and Baby’s Space. Culturally relevant care and attention for children transitioning to elementary school proves vital in their health and academic success.